EAGGF: Abbreviation for European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund. Farmers can benefit from the EAGGF by accessing financial support for agricultural improvements and sustainability projects.
EAGGF: Abbreviation for European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund. Farmers can benefit from the EAGGF by accessing financial support for agricultural improvements and sustainability projects.
environmental conditionality: Same as cross-compliance. Understanding environmental conditionality helps farmers meet sustainability standards and receive agricultural subsidies.
E: E symbol for “Excellent” in the EUROP carcass conformation classification system. This classification can help farmers understand and market the quality of their meat products more effectively.
Envirowise: A government program providing advice to businesses in industry and commerce on improving efficiency in the use of resources and reducing waste. Farmers can benefit from Envirowise by accessing advice on sustainable farming practices and resource management.
EFSA: Abbreviation for European Food Safety Authority. Farmers can benefit from EFSA guidelines to ensure food safety and meet regulatory standards.
EID: Abbreviation for electronic identification. Electronic identification helps farmers efficiently manage and track their livestock.
exotoxin: A poison produced by bacteria which affects parts of the body away from the place of infection. Understanding exotoxins helps farmers manage animal health and prevent disease spread.
evapotranspiration: The movement of water from soil through a plant until it is released into the atmosphere from leaf surfaces. Understanding evapotranspiration helps farmers manage irrigation and optimize water use for crops.
encroach on: To come close to and gradually cover something. Managing encroachment helps farmers protect their land and maintain agricultural productivity.
experimental farm: A farm which is used to experiment with new farming techniques, rather than being run as a commercial enterprise. Learning from experimental farms helps farmers adopt innovative practices and improve productivity.