Land Suitability

Land Suitability: Land suitability is the suitability of land for a certain agricultural purpose. Land suitability is similar to land capability but defines its usefulness for a particular purpose. Suitability tends to emphasize the positive value of land, while capability emphasizes its limitations. Assessing land suitability helps farmers choose appropriate crops and farming methods.


Lignin: Lignin is the material in plant cell walls that makes plants woody and gives them rigidity and strength. Understanding lignin can help farmers manage plant growth and crop quality.


Ley: A ley is 1. a field in which crops are grown in rotation with periods when the field is sown with grass for pasture. Leys are an essential part of organic farming. 2. land which has been sown to grass for a time. Utilizing leys in crop rotation can improve soil health and fertility.


Lush: Lush refers to vegetation which is thick and green. The cattle were put to graze on the lush grass by the river. Lush tropical vegetation rapidly covered the clearing. Managing lush vegetation can enhance pasture quality and livestock nutrition.


Limb: A limb is the leg of an animal. Proper limb care and management can enhance livestock health and productivity.


Leach: To leach means to be washed out of the soil by water. Excess chemical fertilizers on the surface of the soil leach into rivers and cause pollution. Nitrates have leached into groundwater and contaminated the water supply. Managing leaching through proper fertilizer application can protect water quality and soil health.


LFALFA: LFALFA stands for less favoured area. Understanding less favoured areas can help farmers access support and resources for agricultural development.


Lockjaw: Lockjaw is the same as tetanus. Preventing lockjaw through vaccination and proper hygiene can protect livestock health and productivity.


Layering: Layering is 1. a method of propagation where the stem of a plant is bent until it touches the soil, and is fixed down on the soil surface until roots form, and 2. a process by which the half-cut stems of hedge plants are bent over and woven around stakes set in the ground to form a new hedge. Utilizing layering techniques can enhance plant propagation and hedge formation.


LPGLPG: LPGLPG stands for liquefied petroleum gas. Utilizing liquefied petroleum gas can provide farmers with a clean and efficient energy source.