Green Currencies

green currencies: Green currencies, or green rates, are fixed exchange rates for currencies used for agricultural payments in the EU. Understanding green currencies helps farmers navigate international markets and optimize financial transactions.

Groundnut Cake

groundnut cake: Groundnut cake is the residue left after oil extraction from groundnuts, a valuable protein concentrate for livestock. Using groundnut cake in animal feed improves nutrition and farm productivity.


gene: A unit of DNA on a chromosome which governs the synthesis of one protein and may combine with other genes to determine a particular characteristic. Understanding genetics helps in selective breeding for desirable traits in crops and livestock.


gadfly: A fly that bites cattle, such as the horsefly or bot fly, most common from late May onwards and causing considerable trouble to cattle. Awareness and management of gadflies can help reduce cattle stress and potential injuries, leading to better overall herd health and productivity.

Growing Point

growing point: A growing point is a point on the stem of a plant where growth occurs, often at the tip of the stem or branch. Understanding growing points helps farmers optimize pruning and plant management for better yields.


gleying: A set of properties of soil which indicate poor drainage and lack of oxygen. The signs are a blue-grey color, rusty patches, and standing surface water. Identifying gleying helps farmers address drainage issues and improve soil health.

Grain Drier

grain drier: A grain drier is a machine that dries moist grain before storage. Using grain driers prevents spoilage and ensures the grain’s quality, improving marketability and storage efficiency.

Ground Water

ground water: Ground water is water that stays in the top layers of soil or in porous rocks and can collect pollution. Managing ground water resources supports sustainable water use and protects crop health.


gut: Gut is another term for the alimentary canal. Understanding animal digestion helps farmers optimize feed and improve livestock health.

Glume Blotch

glume blotch: A fungal disease of wheat. Recognizing and managing glume blotch can prevent crop losses and improve wheat yield.