
goad: A goad is a spiked stick used to prod cattle. It helps farmers manage and control livestock movements, ensuring efficient and safe handling of animals.

Growth Ring

growth ring: A growth ring, or annual ring, is a layer of growth produced in a plant during a single year. Analyzing growth rings helps farmers assess plant age and health, supporting forestry and crop management.


generic: Relating to or suitable for a broad range of things or situations. Referring to a genus. Understanding generic terms aids in the classification and management of various species and agricultural products.


groundsel: Groundsel is a common weed (Senecio vulgaris) that affects most crops. Managing groundsel prevents competition with crops, ensuring higher yields and quality.

Green Belt

Green Belt: Green Belt is an area of agricultural land, woodland, or parkland surrounding an urban area where building is restricted. Understanding Green Belt regulations helps farmers maintain agricultural land and prevent urban sprawl.


granary: A granary is a place where threshed grain is stored. Proper granary management ensures grain quality, prevents spoilage, and supports farm profitability.

Grass Sickness

grass sickness: Grass sickness is a sudden and usually fatal illness affecting sheep and cattle. Understanding and managing grass sickness helps protect livestock health and farm profitability.

Gross Value Added

gross value added: Gross value added (GVA) is the annual value of goods sold and services paid for inside a country, less tax and government subsidies. Understanding GVA helps farmers assess economic contributions and optimize business strategies.

Growth Stages

growth stages: Growth stages are the different stages of development of a crop, measured as an increase in weight or area. Understanding growth stages helps farmers optimize planting and harvesting schedules for better yields.


gangmaster: A person who gathers together and organizes or leads a group of casual and often traveling workers. Using licensed gangmasters ensures legal compliance and fair labor practices.