inter-: Prefix between. Helps farmers understand terminology related to interactions.
inter-: Prefix between. Helps farmers understand terminology related to interactions.
in utero: In the womb. Helps farmers understand reproductive biology.
ion: An atom or a group of atoms that has obtained an electric charge by gaining or losing one or more electrons. Helps farmers understand chemical properties and soil science.
intensive beef production: The production of a young lean beef animal in a period of less than a year. Helps farmers achieve quick beef production.
intensive: Achieving maximum production from land or animals. Helps farmers increase productivity.
intrinsic factor: A protein produced in the gastric glands which reacts with vitamin B12 controls the absorption of extrinsic factor, and which, if lacking, causes pernicious anemia. Helps farmers manage livestock nutrition.
inorganic fertiliser: An artificially synthesized fertilizer. Helps farmers use inorganic fertilizers to enhance soil fertility and crop production.
ICO: International Coffee Organization – an international organization set up to stabilize the international market in coffee by holding buffer stocks to offset seasonal differences in production quantities. Provides market stability for coffee farmers.
indefinite inflorescence: A type of inflorescence in which the stems bearing the flowers continue to grow. Compare definite inflorescence. Helps farmers understand plant growth patterns.
immunise: To make a person or other animal immune to a specific microorganism by inoculating them. Helps farmers maintain herd immunity and health.