
immunization: The process of making an animal or person immune to a disease, typically through vaccination. Immunization is vital for preventing disease outbreaks and maintaining herd health.


hirsel: A heft of sheep. A piece of ground and flock looked after by one shepherd. Managing hirsels effectively supports traditional grazing practices and sustainable land use.


SVDSVD: abbreviation swine vesicular disease. Understanding and managing swine vesicular disease ensures livestock health and productivity, supporting farm profitability.

Advisory Committee On Releases To The Environment

Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment: An independent advisory committee giving statutory advice to UK government ministers on the risks to human health and the environment from the release and marketing of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Abbr ACRE. Understanding ACRE guidelines helps farmers make informed decisions about GMOs.


biotechnology: The use of living organisms or their products to modify or improve plants, animals, and microorganisms. Biotechnology offers farmers innovative solutions for improving crop yields, pest resistance, and livestock productivity.

Environmental Degradation

environmental degradation: A reduction in the quality of the environment. Preventing environmental degradation helps farmers maintain productive land and healthy ecosystems.


bolting: The rapid growth of a plant’s flower stalk, often before harvestable parts have fully developed. Managing bolting through proper planting and cultivation practices ensures optimal crop yields.

Cattle Milk Butter

A dairy product made by churning cream to separate the butterfat from the buttermilk. Butter is used in cooking and baking for its rich flavor and texture. For instance, producing butter from high-fat cream for baking and culinary applications.

Calcium Borogluconate

Calcium Borogluconate: A chemical given in the form of injections to cows suffering from milk fever due to calcium deficiency. Administering calcium borogluconate helps restore calcium levels in cows, preventing milk fever and maintaining herd health.

Food Value

Food Value: The amount of energy produced by a specific amount of a type of food. Understanding food value helps farmers manage livestock nutrition and optimize feed use.