
reforestation: The process of replanting trees in areas where forests have been cut down. Reforestation helps restore ecosystems, improve soil health, and sequester carbon.

Hay Quality

hay quality: The nutritional value of hay, which can depend on the weather conditions and the time taken to dry. Ensuring high hay quality provides better nutrition for livestock, improving their health and productivity.


turf: A surface earth covered with grass, with its roots matted in the soil. Managing turf effectively can enhance pasture quality and prevent soil erosion.

Single Farm Payment Scheme

Single Farm Payment Scheme: An initiative under the CAP which calculates farmers’ subsidies with reference to the amount of land used in production, as well as the total eligible livestock or crop output. It replaces individual subsidy schemes. Abbr SPS. Farmers benefit from engaging with the Single Farm Payment Scheme for financial support and resources in farming operations.


Fruitwood: The wood from a fruit tree such as apple or cherry, which may be used to make furniture. Properly managing fruitwood supports timber production and farm diversification.


AMC: Agricultural Mortgage Corporation. Abbr AMC. Access to loans from AMC helps farmers invest in their operations and improve productivity.

Night Soil

night soil: human excreta, collected and used for fertilizer in some parts of the world. Using night soil as fertilizer can provide valuable nutrients for crops, but it must be managed carefully to avoid health risks. Farmers can benefit from understanding proper treatment and application methods for night soil to ensure safe and effective use. Implementing best practices for composting and sanitation can turn waste into a valuable resource, improving soil fertility and crop yields while maintaining health and safety standards.

Pincers Pincers Pincers

pincers pincers pincers: A tool used for gripping and pulling objects. Using pincers in construction and repair improves farm infrastructure and supports sustainable development.

Beef Bottom Sirloin Steak

A cut of beef obtained from the bottom sirloin, known for its rich flavor and versatility. Bottom sirloin steak is commonly used for grilling and roasting. For example, producing bottom sirloin steaks for home cooks and restaurants.