On-Off Grazing

on-off grazing: A rotational grazing system. Implementing on-off grazing can improve pasture health and livestock nutrition. Farmers can benefit from understanding and applying rotational grazing practices to enhance forage availability, reduce soil erosion, and improve animal performance.


Lifetime: Lifetime refers to 1. the time during which an organism is alive, and 2. the approximate time it would take for the part of an atmospheric pollutant concentration created by humans to return to its natural level assuming emissions cease. Average lifetimes range from about a week for products such as sulphate aerosols to more than a century for CFCs and carbon dioxide. Also called atmospheric lifetime. Understanding the lifetime of agricultural products and pollutants can help farmers make sustainable decisions.


Fasciation: An abnormal plant growth where several stems become fused together. This condition can affect crop yields and quality, requiring management practices to mitigate its impact.


environmentalist: A person who is concerned with protecting the environment. Environmentalists can provide farmers with valuable insights into sustainable farming practices.

Clean Cattle

Clean Cattle: Cattle that have not been used for breeding. Managing clean cattle involves providing proper nutrition and healthcare to ensure their productivity and welfare.


A cattle management system where young cattle are fed a high-fiber diet to promote growth before entering a feedlot. Backgrounding helps prepare cattle for the finishing phase. For example, backgrounding calves to improve their growth and health before feedlot entry.

Dairy Veterinarian

A veterinarian specializing in the health and care of dairy cattle, including disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. For example, working with a dairy veterinarian to develop health protocols and manage herd wellness.


Creamery: Creamery /kri:m?ri/ noun a factory where butter and other products are made from milk. Engaging with creameries supports dairy processing and product quality.


Furze: A common shrub (Ulex europaeus) found in wasteland and formerly often cut and used as fodder after chaffing. Managing furze supports livestock nutrition and biodiversity.