
selection: The process of identifying plants or animals with desirable characteristics such as high yield or disease resistance as part of the activity of breeding new varieties. An individual chosen from a group in a breeding programme on the basis of distinctive characteristics. Farmers benefit from selection processes to improve crop and livestock productivity.

Blanket Spray

blanket spray: A method of applying pesticides uniformly across a field. Using blanket sprays effectively manages pest populations and protects crops.


marginal: referring to areas of land such as field edges or banks beside roads which are at the edge of cultivated land. Cultivating marginal areas can help farmers utilize all available land resources, potentially increasing productivity and income.


resistance: The ability of an organism not to be affected by something such as a disease, stress factor, process, or treatment. Managing resistance helps farmers protect crop and livestock health, ensuring sustainable farm productivity.


dandelion: A yellow weed (Taraxacum officinale) found in grassland and also sometimes eaten as salad. While often considered a weed, dandelions have culinary and medicinal uses. Farmers can harvest dandelions for sale in niche markets or for personal use. Additionally, understanding weed management practices can help maintain pasture and crop health, ensuring optimal growth conditions for desired plants.

Food Product Security Policy Development

The creation and implementation of guidelines and procedures to ensure the security of food production and distribution processes, including access controls, data protection, and incident response. For example, developing food product security policies to establish a secure and compliant operational environment.


Lemma: Lemma is the outer bract which encloses the flowers of grass. Knowledge of plant anatomy, such as the lemma, can aid in effective crop management.


husbanding: The activity of using a resource carefully. Practicing husbandry supports sustainable farm management and resource conservation.


boysenberry: A large, dark berry that is a cross between a raspberry, blackberry, and loganberry. Growing boysenberries provides unique fruit for fresh markets and processing.

Shade Plants

shade plants: Plants which prefer to grow in the shade. Farmers benefit from growing shade plants to diversify crops and optimize land use.