Grazing Systems

grazing systems: Grazing systems are different methods of pasture management. Implementing effective grazing systems improves pasture utilization, supports livestock health, and enhances farm productivity.


stamen: a male part of a flower consisting of a stalk (filament) bearing a container (anther) in which pollen is produced. Understanding the structure and function of stamens helps farmers manage plant reproduction and optimize yields.


greenfly: Greenfly is a type of aphid that sucks sap from plants and can multiply rapidly. Managing greenfly infestations protects crops from damage, ensuring higher yields and quality produce.


rig: A male animal in which one or both testicles have not descended into the scrotum at the usual time. Managing rigs is important for livestock breeding programs and animal health.


Common: Common adjective belonging to several different people or to everyone common land noun an area of land to which the public has access for walking COMMENT: About 80% of common land is privately owned and, subject to the interests of any commoners, owners enjoy essentially the same rights as the owners of other land. Commoners have different types of ‘rights of common’, e.g. to graze animals, or to extract sand, gravel, or peat. Managing common land involves balancing public access with sustainable land use practices.


Farmscape: A landscape dominated by agriculture. Farmland is the main element in farmscape, though non-agricultural uses may be included. Creating a balanced farmscape supports both productivity and environmental health.

Beef Suet

The hard fat found around the kidneys and loins of cattle, often used in cooking and baking. For example, producing beef suet for making traditional puddings and pastries.


ICRISAT: International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics – an organization established in 1972 at Hyderabad, India. Farmers benefit from research on crops suited to semi-arid conditions.


Chats: Small potatoes separated from larger potatoes during grading. Managing potato by-products like chats involves using them for feed or processing to reduce waste and maximize farm resources.