Dairy Cow Health

The overall well-being of dairy cows, encompassing nutrition, disease prevention, and management practices. Dairy cow health is crucial for productivity and milk quality. For example, implementing comprehensive health programs to ensure the well-being of the herd.

Dairy Biogas

A renewable energy source produced from the anaerobic digestion of dairy manure and organic waste. For example, producing biogas from dairy manure to generate electricity and heat for farm operations.


A sustainable land management practice that integrates trees, forage, and livestock on the same land. Silvopasture provides multiple benefits, including improved biodiversity, soil health, and forage production. For example, planting trees in a pasture to provide shade for livestock and produce timber.

Dairy Logistics

The planning and coordination of the transportation and storage of dairy products from production to consumption. For example, managing dairy logistics to ensure fresh and high-quality dairy products reach the market.

Carcass Maturity

The age and development stage of a carcass, affecting meat quality and grading. Carcass maturity is assessed based on bone ossification and muscle color. For example, evaluating carcass maturity to determine the appropriate USDA quality grade.

Food Product Privacy Impact Assessments

The evaluations of the privacy risks associated with food production and distribution processes, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations and best practices. For example, conducting food product privacy impact assessments to protect personal data and ensure regulatory compliance.

Food Product Crisis Management

The strategies and practices used to address and resolve emergencies and disruptions in food production and distribution, including product recalls and supply chain issues. For example, developing food product crisis management plans to ensure swift and effective responses to potential crises.

Ice Cream

A frozen dairy dessert made from milk, cream, sugar, and flavorings. Ice cream is enjoyed worldwide for its creamy texture and variety of flavors. For example, producing premium ice cream with natural ingredients and unique flavor combinations.


A breed of cattle known for its hardiness and dual-purpose capabilities in meat and milk production. Salers cattle are popular in crossbreeding programs. For instance, selecting Salers cattle for their adaptability and productivity in diverse environments.

Agrochemical Safety And Handling

The practices and guidelines for safely using, storing, and disposing of agrochemicals, including pesticides and fertilizers. For example, following agrochemical safety and handling protocols to protect workers, consumers, and the environment.