thrifty: Referring to an animal which is developing well. Maintaining thrifty animals can enhance overall herd performance and market value.
thrifty: Referring to an animal which is developing well. Maintaining thrifty animals can enhance overall herd performance and market value.
thrunter: A three-year-old ewe. Managing thrunters effectively can optimize wool and meat production.
trough space: The length of trough that should be allowed per animal in an enclosure, so that they each have space to feed comfortably. Ensuring adequate trough space can prevent competition and improve feeding efficiency.
TB: Abbreviation for total bacterial count. Monitoring TB in milk and other products ensures food safety and quality standards are met.
transmit: To pass on a disease to another animal or plant. Understanding disease transmission can help farmers implement biosecurity measures and protect herd health.
trifolium: The crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum), a plant which does best on calcareous loams and is grown after cereals as a catch crop. It is planted in mixed herbage as a winter annual for forage, particularly for sheep. Growing trifolium can provide high-quality forage and improve soil health.
tendon: A strip of connective tissue that attaches a muscle to a bone. Understanding the anatomy of livestock, including tendons, can help farmers manage animal health and performance, particularly in working animals.
Tamworth: A breed of pig, red-gold in color, which makes the animal almost immune to sunburn. Tamworths are widely exported due to their ability to thrive in hot sunshine and rough conditions, making them a valuable breed for diverse climates.
Taenia: A genus of tapeworm. Understanding Taenia species is essential for farmers to prevent and treat parasitic infections in livestock, ensuring animal health and productivity.
tolerant variety: A variety of crop which has been developed to withstand a disease or attacks by certain pests. Planting tolerant varieties can reduce the need for chemical inputs and improve crop health and yield.