
Calve: To give birth to a calf. Properly managing the calving process ensures the health and safety of both the cow and the newborn calf, contributing to herd productivity.

Corn Starch

Corn Starch: Corn starch noun same as cornflour. Utilizing corn starch provides a versatile thickening agent for culinary use.


Climax: The final stage in the development of plant colonization of a specific site, when changes occur within a mature and relatively stable community. Understanding climax stages helps farmers manage ecosystems and promote biodiversity on farms.


Condition: Condition noun 1. the present state of something 2. the state of health or of cleanliness of an animal The animal was in such poor condition that the vet decided it had to be put down. 3. (in breeding) the amounts of muscle and fat present in an animal. Understanding animal condition helps in making informed decisions about nutrition and healthcare.


Conserve: Conserve verb 1. to keep and not waste something The sloth sleeps during the day to conserve energy. 2. to look after and keep something in the same state to conserve tigers’ habitat. Implementing conservation practices helps protect natural resources and promote sustainability.

Common Agricultural Policy (Cap)

Common Agricultural Policy (CAP): A policy framework set by the European Union to regulate agricultural markets and support farmers. Understanding CAP helps farmers navigate regulations, access subsidies, and optimize farm management.

Contract Work

Contract Work: Contract work noun work carried out by specialist firms on a contract, which involves payment for work carried out, e.g. the provision of a drainage system or combining a crop. Engaging in contract work ensures access to specialized services and expertise for farm operations.


Consumerism: Consumerism /k?n sju:m?riz(?)m/ noun a movement for the protection of the rights of consumers. Engaging with consumerism supports fair trade practices and ensures product quality.

Chorionic Gonadotrophin (Hcg)

Chorionic Gonadotrophin (hCG): A hormone produced by the placenta in mammals that helps maintain pregnancy. Understanding reproductive hormones like hCG aids farmers in managing breeding practices and ensuring livestock fertility.


Courgette: Courgette noun marrow fruit at a very immature stage in its development, cut when between 10 and 20 cm long. It may be green or yellow in colour. Also called zucchini. Cultivating courgettes provides nutritious vegetables for markets.