Brown Fat

brown fat: A type of fat tissue found in newborn animals that generates heat. Ensuring the health of newborn livestock includes managing brown fat for temperature regulation.

Biological Nitrogen Fixation

biological nitrogen fixation: The process by which nitrogen in the atmosphere is converted into ammonia by bacteria. Promoting nitrogen-fixing plants improves soil fertility and reduces the need for synthetic fertilizers.

Boron Deficiency

boron deficiency: A lack of boron in the soil, leading to poor plant growth. Addressing boron deficiency through soil amendments improves crop yields.


bit: The metal mouthpiece of a horse’s bridle. Ensuring proper fit and use of the bit enhances horse welfare and performance.


bio-: A prefix referring to living organisms. Farmers should be familiar with bio-related terms to understand biological processes and innovations in agriculture.


beetroot: A salad vegetable with a bright red root. Growing beetroot provides nutritious vegetables for fresh markets and processing.


black-and-white: A term describing Holstein-Friesian cattle. Raising black-and-white cattle provides high milk yield and efficiency.

Broadleaf Weed

broadleaf weed: A type of weed with wide leaves that competes with crops. Controlling broadleaf weeds ensures healthy crop growth and high yields.

Breeding Flock

breeding flock: A group of animals kept for breeding purposes. Maintaining healthy breeding flocks ensures high-quality offspring and herd productivity.


bushnell: A term for a small bush or shrub. Managing bushnells supports farm aesthetics and biodiversity.