BFSS: Abbreviation for British Field Sports Society, now known as Countryside Alliance. Understanding the role of field sports organizations helps farmers engage in rural activities and conservation efforts.
BFSS: Abbreviation for British Field Sports Society, now known as Countryside Alliance. Understanding the role of field sports organizations helps farmers engage in rural activities and conservation efforts.
biodiversity: The range of species in a specific habitat. Promoting biodiversity on the farm supports ecosystem health and resilience.
BGH: Abbreviation for bovine growth hormone. Knowing the regulations and effects of BGH helps farmers manage livestock growth and milk production responsibly.
blight: A plant disease, especially one caused by fungi such as mildew, rusts, and smuts. Early detection and management of blight prevent crop losses and maintain plant health.
beetle: An insect with hard wing covers. Some beetles are beneficial predators, while others are pests; farmers need to identify and manage both types effectively.
bilharziasis: Another term for schistosomiasis. Recognizing and managing bilharziasis helps protect livestock and farm workers from parasitic infections.
bough: A large branch of a tree. Managing tree boughs ensures healthy growth and prevents damage to farm infrastructure.
bluegrass: A type of grass used for lawns, pastures, and hay. Managing bluegrass supports healthy pastures and high-quality forage production.
BFREPA: Abbreviation for British Free Range Egg Producers Association. Membership in BFREPA supports free-range egg producers with industry news and resources.
brome: Another term for barren brome, a weed affecting cereals. Managing brome through weed control practices protects cereal crops and yields.