Buffer Strip

buffer strip: A strip of vegetation planted between fields to reduce erosion and runoff. Implementing buffer strips supports soil conservation and water quality.

Bacterial Pneumonia

bacterial pneumonia: Pneumonia caused by bacterial infection, notably by pneumococcus. Farmers need to recognize symptoms early and administer proper veterinary care to prevent outbreaks in their herds.


bifoliate: Referring to a plant with two leaves only. Understanding plant morphology helps farmers identify and manage crops.


bush: A woody plant smaller than a tree. Managing bushes supports farm aesthetics and biodiversity.


beekeeper: A person who keeps bees for honey. Beekeepers play a vital role in pollination services and honey production on farms.

Beaumont Period

Beaumont period: A period of 48 hours with temperatures above 10°C and relative humidity above 75%, likely indicating potato blight. Farmers should monitor weather conditions and apply preventive treatments during Beaumont periods.


biopolymer: A naturally occurring polymer, such as proteins or polysaccharides. Using biopolymers in farming, such as biodegradable mulches, supports sustainable practices.

Bedding Plants

bedding plants: Small annual flower plants used for bedding out. Growing and selling bedding plants can diversify farm income.

Broad Beans

broad beans: A type of large-seeded legume. Growing broad beans provides nutritious food and improves soil health through nitrogen fixation.


BGS: Abbreviation for British Grassland Society. Joining BGS provides access to research and best practices for grassland management.