inhibit: To prevent or limit the effect of something. Cloud cover inhibits cooling of the Earths surface at night. Helps farmers understand and manage environmental factors affecting agriculture.
inhibit: To prevent or limit the effect of something. Cloud cover inhibits cooling of the Earths surface at night. Helps farmers understand and manage environmental factors affecting agriculture.
implement: 1. The process of carrying out a plan. 2. A piece of equipment used for a certain job. Helps farmers use the right tools and techniques for agricultural tasks.
industrial crop: A crop grown for purposes other than food, e.g. flax grown for fibre. Helps farmers diversify their production and income sources.
itch mite: An arachnid (Sarcoptes scabiei) which burrows into the animals skin, causing itching. Helps farmers identify and control mite infestations.
indigestible: Referring to food which cannot be digested, e.g. roughage. Helps farmers understand animal nutrition and feed composition.
international: Referring to more than one country. Helps farmers understand global agricultural practices and markets.
irrigator: A device for irrigating, e.g. the Baars irrigator. Helps farmers manage irrigation equipment.
infectious bovine rhinotracheitis: Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis – a virus disease of cattle which affects the reproductive, nervous, respiratory or digestive systems. Milk yield is depressed as adults run a high fever. Abbr IBR. Helps farmers manage and prevent this specific cattle disease.
interculture: The practice of mixed cropping, where two or more different crops are grown together on the same area of land. Helps farmers manage crop diversity and soil health.
insect-borne: Referring to infection which is carried and transmitted by insects. Insect-borne viruses. Malaria is an insect-borne disease. Helps farmers manage and prevent insect-borne diseases.