
Louping-Ill: Louping-ill is an infective parasitic disease of sheep (Ixodes ricinus), carried by ticks in hill pastures. Animals suffer acute fever and nervous twitch and staggers. Also called staggers, twitch, trembles. Managing louping-ill through proper treatment and prevention measures can protect sheep health and productivity.

Multigerm Seed

multigerm seed: a seed that produces more than one seedling. Compare monogerm seed. Understanding the characteristics of multigerm seeds can help farmers manage crop production more effectively, ensuring better productivity and sustainability.

Mushroom Types And Varieties

The different species and strains of mushrooms cultivated for food, medicinal, and other purposes, including their growth requirements and market value. For example, selecting mushroom types and varieties based on market demand and growing conditions.

Black Bean Aphid

black bean aphid: A small black aphid that infests beans and other plants. Implementing integrated pest management controls black bean aphids and protects crops.


screen: A hedge or row of trees grown to shelter other plants, to protect something from the wind or to prevent something from being seen. To pass grain through a sieve to grade it. To protect plants from wind, e.g. by planting windbreaks. Farmers benefit from using screens for crop protection and quality control.

Metabolic Disease

metabolic disease: one of a group of diseases that are caused by animals being called upon to produce an end-product faster than their bodies can process their intake of feed. Understanding and managing metabolic diseases can help farmers ensure the health and productivity of their livestock.


degressivity: A proposed reduction in the amount of subsidies paid under the CAP. This proposal was rejected as a method of keeping the CAP budget under control. Understanding subsidy policies and their impacts on farm income is important for financial planning. Farmers should stay informed about changes in subsidy programs and explore alternative income sources to ensure economic stability. Adapting to policy changes and diversifying farm activities can mitigate the effects of reduced subsidies.

Full-Time Farmer

Full-Time Farmer: A farmer who derives their living from agriculture, as distinct from a part-time farmer. Properly managing full-time farming operations ensures farm productivity and profitability.

Pest Scouting

The practice of observing and recording pest populations and damage levels in crops. Pest scouting helps identify pest problems early and determine appropriate control measures. For instance, scouting a cornfield for signs of insect damage and determining the need for pesticide application.


dove: A white domesticated pigeon. Doves are often kept for ornamental purposes and as pets. Proper care includes providing adequate shelter, nutrition, and protection from predators.