Stripe Rust
stripe rust: same as yellow rust. Managing stripe rust ensures healthy wheat crops, preventing yield losses and maintaining quality.
stripe rust: same as yellow rust. Managing stripe rust ensures healthy wheat crops, preventing yield losses and maintaining quality.
The methods and processes used to produce butter and ghee from cream, including churning, heating, and clarifying. For example, producing butter and ghee for culinary and baking applications.
The planning and hosting of events and workshops on farms, including festivals, cooking classes, and agricultural demonstrations. For example, organizing on-farm events and workshops to engage with visitors and diversify farm income.
The skill of presenting and handling livestock in a show ring, including grooming, leading, and displaying animals. Showmanship is judged in livestock competitions. For instance, training in showmanship to improve performance and success in livestock shows.
woolsorters disease: Woolsorters disease, or anthrax, is a serious bacterial infection. Farmers must be vigilant in monitoring livestock for signs of anthrax to protect animal and human health.
Fen: An area of flat marshy land with plants such as reeds and mosses growing in alkaline water. Managing fenland can provide valuable wildlife habitats and agricultural resources.
egg eating: A form of behavior by intensively housed poultry in which birds eat their own eggs. It may be due to eggs being broken because of thin shells. Managing egg eating behavior helps farmers reduce losses and improve egg quality.
Country Code: Country code /k?ntri k??d/ noun a voluntary code of conduct for people spending leisure time in the countryside, which indicates how to respect the natural environment and avoid causing damage to it. Understanding the country code supports sustainable tourism and environmental protection.
Lateral: A lateral is a shoot which branches off from the leader or main branch of a tree or shrub. Managing lateral growth helps farmers optimize fruit and nut tree productivity.
Cowpox: Cowpox /ka?p?ks/ noun an infectious viral disease of cattle, which can be transmitted to humans. It is used as part of the vaccine against smallpox. Also called vaccinia. Managing cowpox involves vaccination and biosecurity measures to protect livestock and human health.