Environmental Directive

environmental directive: An EU policy statement on the appropriate ways of dealing with a specific environmental issue. Understanding environmental directives helps farmers comply with regulations and adopt sustainable practices.

Tussock Grass

tussock grass: A coarse grass growing in tufts. Managing tussock grass can improve pasture quality and support biodiversity.


isobar: A line on a map linking points which are of equal barometric pressure at a given time. Helps farmers understand weather patterns and forecasting.


panemone: A type of windmill in which flat surfaces spin around a vertical axis. Using renewable energy sources like windmills can reduce operational costs on farms.


Crusher: Crusher /kr???/ noun a company or factory which specializes in crushing seed to extract oil. Utilizing crushers enhances oil extraction efficiency and product quality.


CCW: Abbreviation for Countryside Council for Wales. Collaborating with CCW helps farmers stay informed about and involved in rural conservation efforts.


IITA: International Institute of Tropical Agriculture – an organization established at Ibadan, Nigeria in 1965. Supports farmers in tropical regions with research and technology.


intestinal: Referring to the intestine. Helps farmers understand animal anatomy and health issues related to the digestive system.

Beef Cow

beef cow: A cow kept for rearing calves for beef production. Efficient management of beef cows improves calf health and beef yield.

Food Product Wearable Technology

The devices and applications that use wearable technology to monitor and enhance employee health, safety, and productivity in food production and distribution. For example, adopting food product wearable technology to improve worker well-being and performance.