
hedge: A row of bushes planted to provide a barrier around a field or garden. Planting and maintaining hedges can provide natural windbreaks, improve biodiversity, and prevent soil erosion.


virus: A microorganism consisting of a nucleic acid surrounded by a protein coat which can only develop in other cells, often destroying them. Managing virus infections in crops and livestock is crucial for maintaining farm productivity and preventing losses.

Feed Wheat

Feed Wheat: Wheat used as an animal feed and not for human consumption. Selecting appropriate feed wheat supports animal nutrition and farm efficiency.

Essential Amino Acid

essential amino acid: An amino acid necessary for growth but which cannot be synthesized by monogastric animals and has to be obtained from the food supply. (NOTE: The essential amino acids are: isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, valine, arginine, and histidine.) Understanding essential amino acids helps farmers formulate balanced diets for their livestock.

Basin Irrigation

basin irrigation: A form of irrigation where water is trapped in basins surrounded by low mud walls. Basin irrigation is effective for water management in rice paddies and similar crops.


herbage: The green plants, especially grass, eaten by grazing animals. Maintaining healthy herbage ensures nutritious feed for livestock and supports their growth and productivity.


disinfecting: The process of removing harmful organisms such as bacteria, viruses, or fungi from a place or an object by cleaning it with a disinfectant. Proper disinfecting practices are essential for maintaining farm hygiene and preventing disease outbreaks. Farmers should use appropriate disinfectants and techniques for effective disinfecting. Understanding the benefits and applications of disinfecting will aid in maintaining a healthy and productive farm environment.


ACRE: Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment. ACRE provides guidance on the environmental impact of genetically modified organisms, helping farmers make informed decisions about their use.


R: Indicates the average quality of meat in the EUROP classification, helping farmers understand the market value of their livestock, leading to better pricing and marketing strategies.